Feel. Don’t think. Or better, think about your feelings. Mmmmm, isn’t it nice?. We have everything inside, it’s all there. Get in touch with yourself. And nothing else. Then write. About yourself, about your feelings. Close your eyes. Try not to see what’s around you. You see? The world disappears. Nice, it feels nice.
And then, while you are writing about your emotions, try to figure out who would care to read that. There’s somebody out there very interested in reading about your emotions. And that person is… You
So now, read what you wrote. Do you like it?
Of course you do. And now try to get a friend who would be willing to read what you wrote. If you can’t find one sign up for a class where people read and listen to each other’s work. I know it’s expensive but it’s very important to get other people to listen to what you wrote.
The secret of this technique is to make sure that you have lots of emotions inside you.
So get out there and get emotions.
Emote yourself.
E-mailing it’s very good. Just make sure that you close your eyes from time to time, and get in touch with the e-motions that each e-mail produces